BC Animal Owners Association represents animal owners who want the
freedom to access non-veterinary animal health practitioners who
provide services that are complementary to veterinary care.
We believe qualified practitioners should have the right to practice as
regulated and certified professionals – to be respected for their quality
contribution to the health and wellness of our animals and pets.
Four years ago, the BC Animal Owners Association approached the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries with a mission to pursue of freedom of choice for owners in the selection of healthcare options for animals in the Province of British Columbia.
We believe qualified practitioners should have the right to practice as regulated and certified professionals – to be respected for their quality contribution to the health and wellness of our animals and pets.

Non-Veterinary Animal Health Professions currently represented
Animal Rehabilitation / Physiotherapy / Physical Therapy, Animal Chiropractic
Animal Massage and Bodywork, Animal Homeopathy
Animal Western Herbal Medicine, Farriery
Animal Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture